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FF+ manifesto calls for smaller Cabinet, AA-free economic zones

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The Freedom Front Plus proposed privatising state entities, reducing Cabinet to 16 ministers, not letting the government go over budget, and opening affirmative action-free economic zones in its election manifesto which was launched in Pretoria on Saturday. 

The party also reiterated its opposition to expropriation of land without compensation in favour of redistributing unused state-owned land and failed land reform projects, and speeding up land claims. 

Led by MP Pieter Groenwald, the party’s manifesto said it would protect heritage, conservation and social care under community councils, and schools and other institutions can choose if they want to be part of a community council system, or fall directly under the government. 

It wants to do away with race-based affirmative action, in favour of a merit-based system.

The party also wants to reduce salary increases and bonuses to public office bearers and increase VAT if government spending reaches a pre-set cap then reduce it once spending is under control again.

It wants municipalities to comprise of a single town, instead of the current mega-municipalities which are struggling, and believes local government and provincial governments should have more power.

It also submits that self-determination to recognise diversity is becoming accepted world-wide and should be introduced in South Africa.

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It wants personal and company tax lowered to stimulate investment in the economy and create jobs, and to decrease the fuel levy significantly.

The Road Accident Fund must be done away with and every motor vehicle owner must be compelled by legislation to take out third-party insurance. It is also calling for aboloshing  e-tolls in Gauteng.

The party wants the policing and prosecution of violence against women and children to be prioritised and an increase in state funding of non-profit organisations, like children’s homes and homes for the elderly and disabled people. 

It will abolish transformation targets and black economic empowerment to encourage the private sector to appoint the best person for the job, to promote economic growth. 

Strikes and particularly illegal strikes that lead to job losses must be prohibited, there should be no protests near schools, and trade unions’ power must be restricted.

The party also proposes that teachers who are willing to work at less affluent schools must receive higher remuneration and higher bonuses, and proposes a system of parent- and community-driven mother-tongue education, expressing concern about the anglicising of education in South Africa. 

The FF Plus supports greater state expenditure on agricultural research and protection against international dumping. It says it is in support of private property rights and food security, and believes that if there is expropriation, it must be market-related and should go through a court.

The provincial and national elections have been set for May 8. 

Source: News 24

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