By Simon Nare
The South African National Parks honoured its foot soldiers for excellency at the Northern Region with legendary ranger Malefetsane Molefi deservedly taking home the life achievement award for his service over three decades.
It was a fitting recognition for Molefi, who has worked as a ranger since the days of QwaQwa National Park before it was incorporated into the Golden Gate Highlands National Park.
Speaking to Inside Travel after winning the award, Molefi said he was very grateful for being honouredwith the award. His message to young rangers entering the sector was that they should respect their job and do everything by the book.
“They must respect the time and not drink alcohol while on duty or be absent from work. When you come to work, you must respect your managers, and everything will be ok.
“I have always wanted to be a ranger since I was young. I have always liked being a ranger. It has always been my dream to be a ranger. I fell in love with the job the day I brought my daughter to the park,” said Molefi.
SANParks in its tribute to Molefi cited his vast and vital experience and contributions, stretching over many years during which he has guided various members of the younger generation of field rangers “during tough situations where human lives or serious injuries were often at risk”.
“There should be no doubt that FR Malefetsane Molefiwas an outstanding asset for the organisation. He is a true and worthwhile recipient of the Lifetime Contribution Achievement Award.”
The park acknowledged his devotion of the 30 years of uninterrupted, dedicated service within conservation.
Financier Theressa Mashele, who is the financial controller for the Northern Region, was honoured for excellent performance in the workplace for her contribution for ensuring proper financial controls in the region.
Mashele, who is the finance controller for Golden Gate Highlands National Park, Marakele National Park and Mapungubwe National Park, was acknowledged for her sterling work in reviewing financial transactions of the three parks.
“Yes, I would say I deserve this award because I have done a good job. We have eliminated audit findings. We have ensured that we don’t have repetitive auditfindings. Whatever transaction that occurs in the three parks has to go through me to review it,” said a shy Mashele.
The best performing park went to Mapungubwe National Park for the implementation of the most innovative measures in mitigating the financial and human resource constraints that SANParks is facing.

Park manager Mphadeni Nthangeni said it has been a rewarding year in leading the team at the renowned World Heritage Site.
He said when he first started at the park, the moral was low and resources inadequate.
“Mapungubwe is a World Heritage Site, but it is not self-marketed. The only thing that is unique about it is that it is far from everything unlike other parks in the country which are close to the cities.
“That’s why I am saying it is not self-marketed. We have to preach and talk to people so that they can come visit the park,” he said.