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Celebrating Black Magnificence Month Through Culture, Music and Dance

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abOVEnormal, a holistic fitness brand based in Johannesburg, announced the launch of BLACK Magnificence Month hybrid activities – through a series of virtual events and social media campaigns for the whole month of July to celebrate and put a spotlight on black excellence in its many forms, from food, fashion, film, comedy, dance and style, music, literature, theatre to poetry.

These are virtual events that will energize, educate and entertain everyone throughout July – all the while honouring and celebrating black culture in South Africa despite the sombre mood imposed upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Masingita Masunga, abOVEnormal ambassador and the celebrated South Africa’s TV host, motivational speaker and philanthropist, BLACK Magnificence Month will be used to commemorate the invincible and triumphant spirit of black people while appreciating and ‘asserting our value, ability and excellence.’

The project is organised by abOVEnormal, in partnership with different stakeholders and will introduce and celebrate BLACK Magnificence Month in an effort to honour the greatness, capabilities and resilience of black people.

The month will be commemorated through different programmes that will showcase the achievements, courage, talent, potential, intelligence and the infinite magnificence of the black nation. This is will be done through pictures, messages, WhatsApp video content and opinion articles in multiple platforms. 

“Throughout our history black people have been the most marginalised and colonised race which has led them to be continuously treated as an inferior species who don’t deserve any respect. Decades of colonialism and slavery have stripped them of their dignity.

 Their values as humans equal to all has and continues to be questioned and challenged over and over again. Over time the humiliation and trauma has caused black people to doubt themselves and each other.

Fortunately not all black people could be brainwashed into thinking that they are not human enough, hence the rise of different movements and revolutions to fight racism and marginalisation,” says Masunga. 

“Over the decades, blacks in South Africa were led to believe by the apartheid racial tyranny that they are unfit to be accorded equal status to the white community. We see ourselves as unfit to lead society, government and own major business conglomerates. BLACK Magnficence Month aims to validate the fitness and capability of blacks as human beings who can achieve anything in life.” 

Masunga says the period of protest against the Apartheid regime was dubbed ‘the struggle’, and despite some of the deepest moments of hopelessness and despair, it was a time punctuated by powerful music, dance and other art forms.

“The aims and objectives of the Black Magnificence Month is to celebrate black popular culture in South Africa through the creation of music, food, dance and song, visual arts, fashion and the literary arts to make life bearable during difficult times and to communicate a strong message, unite people on the ground, and motivate them to keep pushing forward,” says Masunga matter-of-factly.

“This initiative will accelerate processes of transformation like growing township and rural economies. The Black Magnificence Month will celebrate, give recognition and pay homage to black culture, excellence, pioneering, trailblazing and greatness that exists within the black community.”

Some of the virtual events throughout July 2021 include – but not limited to – the following: Kota Day, Makipkip Day, Magwinya Day, Streetwear Brand Day, Taxi Day, Domestic Workers Day, Mapantsula Day, Stokvel Day, Chisanyama Day and Mogodu Days. 

The events will also celebrate the legacy of black icons and trailblazers. 

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